Door Ideas and Advice

The Best Blinds for Bifold Doors

The Best Blinds for Bifold Doors

Bifold doors are a game-changer in your home. They elevate a room from mediocre to a space worthy of an interior magazine! Bifold doors allow light to spill into the room and they are unrivalled at connecting the indoors with the...

Open the doors and bring the outside in

Open the doors and bring the outside in

The phrase, “bring the outside in” is used a lot these days, but what exactly does it mean? Why should we strive for it? And how do we achieve it?

Our favourite Christmas window displays

Our favourite Christmas window displays

Retailers have been creating awe-inspiring shop window installations at Christmas time for years. Now, we are all doing the same at home! And why not?! A festive window display is a pleasure to arrive home to on a dull winter’s day. The first step, of course, is to...

How to Stop and Prevent Squeaky Doors

How to Stop and Prevent Squeaky Doors

They say prevention is the best medicine and in the case of a squeaky door, it is always best to tend to the hinges before they get squeaky.

Patio Doors – Sliding, Folding or Simply Open Wide?

Patio Doors – Sliding, Folding or Simply Open Wide?

As the weather gets warmer and thoughts of spending time in the garden replace those of being snuggled up on the sofa, there is no better time to look at ways to bring the outside in with a beautiful set of patio doors.

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